Sheffield Gauge Plate offers a range of machine knife sharpening and regrinding services.

Welcome to Sheffield Gauge Plate, we’re the UK’s leading supplier of industrial machine knives and blades. Over the years, our experience In this field has led us to acquire facilities to offer machine blade sharpening and regrinding services. You can use our services for guillotine blades, granulator blades, scrap shear blades, circular knives and all other industrial knives.
Are you operating with dull machine blades? Knives and blades are used daily, and without sharpness, production will slow down and eventually stop. Our regrinding services can restore blades and knives to working order, keeping you operational and limiting downtime.
Depending on your location, we can collect your knives to perform our machine blade sharpening services. If pickup is unavailable, our shipping experience can arrange for easy delivery of your blades before returning them within the agreed lead time.
Our modern hire work facilities and expert team provide the highest quality regrinds to the best possible working condition. If you’d like to learn more about our machine blade grinding services, please contact us on (+44)114 233 5291 or email at
Machine knife sharpening process
Before commencing with any sharping services, we inspect the blades to see if there are any damages. Afterwards, we begin to clean the industrial knife and begin to sharpen. Before returning the product, we perform another check to see if any cracks have appeared. Our grinding process has extended the life of many blades, and we continue to help businesses across the UK stay operational.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Which machine blades do you sharpen?
We will sharpen all kinds of machine blades for various brands, including Haco, Pearson Edwards, Waltons, AFM, Elga, Simat, Adira, KB, and Simeron.
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