Sheffield Gauge Plate Is Proud To Be The UK's Number One D2 Tool Steel Supplier.

D2 Tool Steel Properties
D2 steel is a high carbon and chromium tool steel that is renowned for its wear resistance and higher hardness than many other steels in the same group. In its hardened condition, D2 tool steel has a high compressive strength.
With its high alloy composition, wear resistance properties, improved toughness and excellent tempering resistance, D2 tool steel is the perfect choice for a wide range of applications.
Compared to other cold work tool steels, D2 boasts a much higher resistance to wear, thanks in part to its increased vanadium content. Also, thanks to its high carbon content, D2 offers excellent corrosion resistance once the steel has been hardened.
D2 tool steel is famous in knife making and is often used to create heavy-duty press tools. Part of the D group of steel, which includes D3, D4, D5, and D7, D2 is by far the most widely used of all the 12% high chromium tool steel options on the market today.
Looking for top-quality tool steel that can handle even the toughest jobs? Look no further than Sheffield Gauge Plate’s D2 tool steel! Our D2 steel is manufactured from British and European raw materials, ensuring a product that you can trust. To find out more about our D2 tool steel offering, get in touch today.
D2 Steel Types
As one of the top D2 steel suppliers, Sheffield Gauge Plate is proud to offer D2 tool steel for sale in various options, including ground flat, sheet, plate, and flat bar.
Also, thanks to our experience and extensive ground flat stock options, you can be sure that you’re getting the right tool steel grade and shape for your needs.
D2 Tool Steel Applications
D2 is a versatile tool grade perfect for a wide range of applications. From press tools and punches to industrial knives and shear blades, D2 can easily handle even the toughest jobs.
It’s also used frequently in engineering, as the greater toughness and strength of D2, when in its hardened condition, means it is ideal for a range of products. D2 applications include heavy-duty press tools, thread rolling dies, gauges, punches and more. If you’re unsure what type of steel you need, use our tool steel application chart to quickly and easily find the right grade for your specific needs.
D2 Steel Forging And Annealing
When it comes to forging D2 tool steel, it’s important to pre-heat slowly and evenly to 700°C before heating it to the recommended forging temperature of 925 – 1040°C. D2 should always go through the annealing process after forging. When annealing D2, make sure to raise the temperature to 843 – 871°C and cool at a rate no faster than 10°C per hour to room temperature.
Before forging, D2 tool steel should be heated at an even temperature until it reaches 700°C. Make sure to heat slowly and uniformly, to maintain proper forging temperature. Heat the D2 steel slowly to a temperature of 925 – 1040°C and proceed with forging. If the temperature falls, reheat to the proper forging temperature and cool slowly to achieve the superior properties of D2 tool steel.
D2 Hardening And Tempering
To harden D2 steel, preheat it slowly to 750 – 780°C before increasing the final hardening temperature to 1000 – 1030°C and letting the tool steel equalise. Then, quench in oil or cool in the air for maximum hardness.
To improve wear resistance and abrasion, temper the D2 to the desired temperature and hold for 25 minutes per cm of thickness. Being a versatile steel, D2 can be tempered at a range of temperatures, but to achieve maximum hardness, the optimum temperature is 300°-400°F.
Get D2 Tool Steel For Any Project
If you’re looking for D2 ground flat stock, bars and more, then we’ve got you covered. With over 40 years of experience producing flat ground stock on our premises and an experienced sales team, Sheffield Gauge Plate is the name you can trust for all your tool steel needs.
Contact us today for more information on our range or, for a more in-depth chat about the technicalities of D2, call us on (+44)114 233 5291.
D2 Tool Steel FAQs
What Are The Properties Of D2 Steel?
D2 steel is an air-hardening tool steel with a high carbon and chromium content, meaning that it has high wear and abrasion-resistant properties. It has a hardness range of between 55 and 62 HRC and is ideal for punches, die steel products, blanking tools and other applications.
Is D2 A High-Speed Steel?
D2 is a cold work steel, not a high-speed steel. It is often confused with M2, which is a high-speed steel that holds an edge slightly better than D2 tool steel as it has a finer grain. However, D2 is semi-stainless and has a high wear resistance, whereas M2 only has mild corrosion-resisting properties.
How hard can D2 tool steel get?
When a heat treatment is applied, D2 steel can reach a hardness range of 54-61 HRC. That means it can withstand even the most challenging conditions and environments, making it ideal for applications where performance and longevity are essential.
Is D2 Tool Steel Brittle?
D2 steel is a high-carbon, high-chromium tool steel, meaning that although it has good wear resistance, it can be more brittle than other tool steels with less carbon.
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